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Report Release! The Dual Language Learner Policy Platform: Informing California's Early Learning and Care Policies and Investments in 2020-21 and Beyond

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“It is imperative we act now to create a system with equity at its core that embeds the additional resources and supports that our dual language learners, who largely come from communities of color, need to succeed. Doing so sends a clear message that we value all of our children, not just some and that we see their future success as inextricably linked to the success of us all.”Karla Pleitéz Howell, Managing Director of Policy and Programs, Advancement Project California

Gavin Newsom has made clear the importance of children’s early years and his commitment to close the opportunity gaps earlier on by investing $2.3 billion to improve and expand a range of early childhood supports and services and by developing the Master Plan for Early Learning and Care (ELC). As the state strengthens and expands its early learning system, policymakers must center the strengths and needs of dual language learners and children of color. With dual language learners comprising 60 percent of all children under age six in California, it is critical that state policies reflect the fact that language and culture are intimately intertwined and fundamental to academic success. Without this intentionality, the state will design a system that does not serve the majority of its youngest learners.

The Dual Language Learner Policy Platform: Informing California’s Early Learning and Care Policies and Investments in 2020–21 and Beyond, developed in partnership by Advancement Project California and Early Edge California, provides policymakers with critical recommendations necessary to provide the resources and access to high-quality early education all children need to thrive.


California now has the opportunity to design a system that affirms the role of language and culture in all early learning environments, program requirements, workforce support and quality improvement efforts to ensure all children are set up for success. Research shows the importance of building on DLL children’s home language for preventing language loss, promoting positive identity development and facilitating English language development. Key recommendations from the platform include:

  • Align the early learning and care system with the asset-based principles of the California English Learner Roadmap State Policy, by expanding dual-language programs in communities with large populations of children of color, DLLs, and low-income students; 
  • Promote high-quality programs for DLLs starting from birth, by meaningfully identifying and including DLLs in early learning quality improvement systems; and
  • Support the early learning workforce to build on the strengths of DLLs and meet their needs, by including explicit competencies for serving DLLs and providing funding for sustained professional development.

Download the Full Policy Platform 

Download the Platform Executive Summary

Learn more about Dual Language Learners