Government Relations
High-Impact Advocacy Across the State
Racial disparities that leave low-income people of color behind should concern us all. The Government Relations team aims to shift public policy priorities and investments toward programs that benefit all Californians—not just the privileged few.
- Locate your Legislator’s phone and address: click here.
- Contact Governor Gavin Newsom: click here.
SB 299 (Limón) - Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.
Improves California’s automated voter registration system, the California New Motor Voter Program (CNMVP) to increase registration rates of communities of color and other underrepresented groups.
BUDGET PROPOSAL - Racial Equity Commission
For the 2024-2025 Budget to allocate $5 million to provide the necessary resources needed to fully implement the functions of the Racial Equity Commission created by Executive Order N-16-22.
Equity in Community Investments
- ACA 16 (Bryan) - Environmental Rights.
Amends the California Constitution to declare that the people have a right to clean air and water and a healthy environment. - AB 2813 (Aguiar-Curry) - Government Investment Act.
Authorize a local government that imposes a tax under ACA 1 to commit revenues to affordable housing programs, including downpayment assistance, first-time home buyer programs, and owner-occupied affordable housing rehabilitation programs. - AB 1725 (McCarty) - Law enforcement settlements and judgments: reporting.
Requires cities and counties to post financial details about police misconduct settlements and judgments that amount to $50,000 and above on their websites, including amounts paid to plaintiffs. Additionally, municipalities are required to report the amount allocated from their budget that is spent towards law enforcement settlements and judgments annually. - AB 2267 (Jones-Sawyer) - Youth Reinvestment Grant Program.
Reestablish the Youth Reinvestment Grant Program to be administered by the Office of Youth and Community Restoration for the purpose of implementing a mixed-delivery system of trauma-informed health and development diversion programs for youth.
Educational Equity
- AB 1947 (Rivas, L) - California State Preschool Programs: contracting agencies: staff training days.
Support staff in state preschool programs with training to better support children who are dual language learners (DLLs). - AB 2071 (Carrillo, J) - Pupil instruction: English Learner Roadmap: grant program: parent toolkit.
Ensures California’s schools can support English Learners/Dual Language Learners (ELs/DLLs) by providing 25, three-year incentives and support grants to implement the EL Roadmap and will also create a parent toolkit to support parents/families to advocate for the ELs/DLL children at their districts for implementation. - AB 2074 (Muratsuchi) - Pupil instruction: English Learner Roadmap Policy: statewide implementation plan.
Tasks the California Department of Education (CDE) with creating an implementation plan for the California English Learner Roadmap Policy (EL Roadmap) to support English learners to fully and meaningfully access and participate in early childhood and K-12 that results in their attaining high levels of English proficiency, mastery of grade level standards, and opportunities to develop proficiency in multiple languages. - AB 2319 (Wilson, Weber) - California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act.
Extends the evidence-based implicit bias training requirements to include hospitals that provide perinatal or prenatal care, ensuring the successful implementation of SB 464 (Mitchell), the California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act of 2019. - BUDGET ADVOCACY - Continuous Coverage for Children 0-5 in Medi-Cal
Protect investments and fully fund the multi-year continuity of Medi-Cal coverage for children ages 0-5 as part of the 2024-25 budget and ongoing. - BUDGET ADVOCACY - Community Schools
Preserve the total $2.6 billion for the California Community Schools Partnership Program–which is critical to strengthening public education in our state by allowing the expansion and opportunity for other schools and districts to address the needs of the whole child. - BUDGET ADVOCACY - Rate Reform
Ensure the state resources the single rate structure using the Alternative Methodology so that childcare providers are compensated for the true cost of care, as opposed to what the market can afford, to ensure equity. Advancing Equity
Political Voice
- AB 3211 (Wicks) - California Provenance, Authenticity and Watermarking Standards.
Require generative AI companies to embed digital provenance data within the digital media they create, so can identify AI generated media used to mislead or disenfranchise voters. - AB 2655 (Berman) - Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception Act of 2024.
Requires social media platforms to use digital provenance data to label election-related deepfakes posted by users, and ban the worst, most obvious cases close to elections to prevent AI generated content from being used to mislead voters. - AB 2839 (Pellerin) - Elections: deceptive media in advertisements.
Bans the use of deepfakes that deceive voters about candidates and elections officials in political mailers, robocalls, and TV ads to prevent artificially created content from being used to disenfranchise voters.
Reimagining Safety and Justice
- AB 280 (Holden) - Segregated confinement
Bans solitary confinement in all detention facilities for the following populations: people with certain mental health, physical and developmental disabilities, pregnant or those who recently gave birth, people under 26 and over 59 years old, and lastly prohibit long-term solitary/segregated confinement by limiting to no more than 15 consecutive days, 45 days total in any 180-day period. - AB 544 (Bryan) - Voting: county jails.
Ensures equal access to voting for all individuals regardless of whether they are incarcerated or not and continues to build a just democracy. - AB 1990 (Carrillo, W) – The SAFE Act - OPPOSE
Allows a police officer to arrest a person for shoplifting not committed in the officer’s presence without a warrant if the officer has “reasonable cause” to believe that the person has committed shoplifting.
Advancing Racial Justice
- ACA 8 (Wilson) - Slavery.
Would prohibit slavery in any form, including forced labor compelled by the use or threat of physical or legal coercion. - AB 247 (Muratsuchi) - Education finance: school facilities: Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024.
This bill authorizes a bond measure of $14 billion for the construction and modernization of Transitional Kindergarten through community colleges public education facilities on an unspecified 2024 statewide ballot. - SB 28 (Glazer) - Education finance: school facilities: Public Preschool, K–12, and College Health and Safety Bond Act of 2024
Places a $15.5 billion bond on the 2024 ballot for facilities at public preschools, K-12 schools, California Community Colleges (CCC) campuses, University of California (UC) campuses, and California State University (CSU) campuses to construct, reconstruct, and remodel existing or new facilities.
News & Blog Posts
Catalyst California’s government relations work has helped achieved the following:

Today, Catalyst California is delighted to announce that John Kim, President & CEO, and Dr. John Dobard, Vice President of Policy and Programs, have been appointed to the Racial Equity Commission and Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory (RIPA) Board, respectively, by California State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon. The appointments come at a crucial time as California reckons with racial disparities that have only been exacerbated in the wake of the lingering COVID-19 pandemic and racial uprisings.
Gives the public the right to see certain records relating to police misconduct and serious uses of force.
The grant provides California high school students, particularly those who are low income, English learners, or foster youth, additional supports and creates a stronger pipeline between high schools and the University of California and other postsecondary educational institutions.
As a result, the new allocation formula provides much-needed access to high-quality preschool slots to areas where high number of children do not have access to state subsidized preschool.
Allows children who were brought into the US under the age of 16 without proper visas/immigration documentation meet in-state tuition and GPA requirements to have access to financial aid benefits at public universities and colleges.