Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Network
Over ten years ago the Water Cooler Network started with the intent to provide a space where Early Care and Education partners could forge relationships and build alignment across the field within California. Years later, we expanded the network to include our K-12 partners and educators recognizing the importance of having these critical conversations together across the birth to 12th grade system.
The Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Network provides a space to come together to think holistically and strategically about policies and solutions that address the whole child across the birth to 12th grade system. The Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Network provides a platform that will include the following components:
- Prioritize equity to be at the center of every policy recommendation and topics of consideration to ensure that we better serve families and students of color;
- Showcase rigorous research that uplifts best practices and promote racial equity;
- Engage community voices to vet policy ideas and highlight missing voices;
- Inform state policy makers on education policy recommendations that address the needs of the whole child;
- Build coalitions to create a broad base of support for the Birth to 12th Grade agenda across California.
Through regular convenings and conferences, the Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Network will continue to build upon the collective accomplishments over the last ten years to expand its network and ensure that California is leading the way for educational equity issues that address the whole child.
Previous Water Cooler Convenings & Conferences
We want to thank everyone who was able to be part of our 2024 Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Conference - Bridging Systems to Center Racial Justice for Children and Families. Your presence, engagement, and commitment to educational equity truly made a difference.

On November 1st and 2nd we had our two-day, virtual Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Conference – Building a System of Belonging and Community Power: Transformation Rooted in Racial Equity!
Thank you to all who were able to join us for our virtual Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Conference: Shining A Light on Equity! This action-packed, two-day conference brought together many dedicated early childhood and K-12 stakeholders from across California. Together, we discussed how we can center equity and community voice to ensure historic budget …

Thank you to all who were able to join us for our first-ever virtual Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Series! This two-day conference brought together many dedicated early childhood and K-12 stakeholders from across the state. Together, we discussed equity issues and shared goals ahead of the final budget impacting our ECE and K-12 systems.
Advancement Project California also thanks you for your continued support and for joining us in the fight for educational equity to help realize the dream of the Golden State for all Californians. Check out some of the highlights from this tremendous event.

Sacramento kicked off October buzzing with excitement as over 275 early care and education (ECE) and K-12 stakeholders from across California united for the debut of the Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Conference, a two-day conference to build a collective educational equity agenda. Birth to twelfth grade alignment is the next essential statewide education …
We’re so happy you were able to join us at our second annual Birth to Twelfth Grade Water Cooler Conference in Sacramento! This two-day conference brought together many dedicated early childhood and K-12 stakeholders from across the state. Together, we were able to vet ideas for policy and practice to build a shared equity agenda …