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Introducing the Budget Power Project: A Collaborative Initiative Empowering California Communities


SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Budget & Policy Center, Catalyst California, and the Million Voters Project are thrilled to formally announce the launch of the Budget Power Project. This groundbreaking initiative aims to empower communities across California by providing resources, education, and advocacy tools to foster active participation in state and local budget processes.

The Budget Power Project represents a collaborative effort between three leading organizations committed to equity and justice through budgetary policy. By leveraging their collective expertise and networks, the founding partners seek to equip dozens of community organizations with the tools they need to ensure that their priorities are reflected in budget decisions across the state.

"At the heart of the Budget Power Project is the belief that everyone deserves a seat at the table when it comes to shaping our state's budget priorities," said Chris Hoene, Executive Director of the California Budget & Policy Center. "By empowering Californians with the knowledge and tools they need to engage effectively in budget processes, we can create a more equitable and inclusive future for all."

The Budget Power Project is supporting the work of 23 local grassroots organizations through a combination of budget trainings, narrative workshops, and research and coaching support. These all aim to build power within California’s communities of color to advocate for policies that address their most pressing needs. 

“Budgets are often crafted in the shadows, but it’s high time for historically excluded communities to bring their voice and lived experience to the process,” said Jacky Guerrero, Director of Equity in Community Investments at Catalyst California. “By equipping Californians with the tools to understand, analyze, and influence budget decisions, the Budget Power Project will foster a more transparent and responsive governance system that invests in racial equity so all our communities can thrive.” 

“Californians most impacted by decades of disinvestment — BIPOC communities, immigrants, young people, formerly incarcerated people, and low-income workers — must be at the forefront of developing durable policy solutions that address the root causes of systemic racism and inequality,” said Karla Zombro, Deputy Director of the Million Voters Project. “The Budget Power Project builds on the unique expertise, deep roots and relationships of the Budget Power Project Cohort to help ensure we win and keep winning!”

The Budget Power Project represents a bold step towards responsive governance by securing public investments for communities that have long been denied access. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, the partners aim to empower communities to become more active participants in shaping the future of their communities and California. 

For more information about the Budget Power Project, visit  


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About the California Budget & Policy Center:

The California Budget & Policy Center (Budget Center) is a nonpartisan research and analysis nonprofit advancing public policies that expand opportunities and promote well-being for all Californians.

About Catalyst California:

Catalyst California advocates for racial justice by building power and transforming public systems. We partner with communities of color, conduct innovative research, develop policies for actionable change, and shift money and power back into our communities. 

About the the Million Voters Project:

The Million Voters Project (MVP) is a multi-racial, multigenerational coalition made up of nine of the strongest community-driven networks working year-round to expand California’s electorate and make structural change inevitable.


Media contact:

Mauricio Torres 

Communications Director, Budget Center