Jesse Saucedo
Senior Strategic Initiatives Analyst

Jesse serves as a Senior Strategic Initiative Analyst at Catalyst California. He is a longtime public servant with 20 years of experience working directly with elected officials at the federal, state and local levels. Jesse most recently served as President of the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council.
During the 2020 election cycle, Jesse served as the Western States Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives on a Presidential campaign, overseeing No Party Preference voter targeting and the campaign surrogate outreach program. Previously, Jesse worked with the City of Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) as Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant General Manager of the Regulatory Compliance and Code Bureau, helping to preserve decent, safe and affordable housing in the City of Los Angeles. Before joining HCIDLA, Jesse worked with the District of Columbia's Office of City Council Chair, where he served as Director of Constituent Services and coordinated the delivery of services for all constituents and external stakeholders within the nation's Capital. Previously, he served as Senior Advisor to the District's Chair of the Economic Development Committee, which focused on small and local business development. Jesse has also worked as Field Representative and Veterans Liaison with Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, and Voter Outreach Coordinator with the California Secretary of State.
Jesse earned his Master of Public Administration at the University of Southern California's Price School of Public Policy, where he co-founded the Latino Association of Policy, Planning & Development and served as a Board Member of the Price Alumni Association. He earned his B.A. in Political Science from Boston University. Jesse serves on the National Board of Trustees for Phi Iota Alpha, the nation’s oldest Latino-based fraternity. A native of San Antonio, Texas, he is a rabid Spurs and Dodgers fan.
Currently, Jesse lives with his wife Cielo, in the City of Los Angeles. They are parents to twins Adelina and Tomás. Jesse has been the kids’ primary caretaker for the last five years.